You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Transferring Stock

Stock Transfers

Quantities of inventory on hand can be transferred:

The field detail External is used when inventory is being transferred into or out of the stock. Where serialised stock is being transferred, serial number details are entered when the stock is being transferred into stock on hand. Where stock is being transferred out, either to External or to another part number, the serial number item is selected from a search window.

Stock transfer reasons can be created and attached at the header level or at the line level. General Ledger codes can be attached to the reasons to over-write the write on or write off account attached to the inventory item.

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Defining Stock Transfer Form

Details Line Tab

Notes Tab


Custom Fields

To Do

Creating Stock Transfers

Into Stock

Out of Stock

To Another Part Number

Serialised Stock / Bin Location

Copying a Stock Transfer

Reverse or Mirror a Transfer


MNT10101 - Stock Transfer

INTRN010 - Inventory Stock Transfers